· Making time and space for everyone but yourself? (let’s change that) · Feel like nothing you do is good enough? (you’re doing enough) · Feeling helpless? Like you’re not in control? (let’s find your power) · Frustrated with information overload and don’t know where to start? (let’s find your why) · Afraid of looking like a fool in the gym? (I mean this lovingly, no one is thinking about you, I promise)
I remember my first time back at the gym after becoming a mom.
I had no idea what I was doing – I just knew I was tired of feeling exhausted. Movement had always made me feel good, but strength training? It changed everything. I felt powerful. Parenting doesn’t come with progress markers, but the gym did. If I could deadlift 135lbs this week, hitting 145lbs next week was proof of my growth. For the first time in a long time, I felt in control. I FELT POWERFUL.
Just remember, you deserve to take up space. You’re worthy of it.
my four pillars
Lift heavy. Learning to lift heavy will not only change the way you look, but it will change how you feel about your body.
Food for mood. Following a gluten-free, dairy-free diet can improve sleep, boost energy, and stabilize mood.
Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries. Our emotions provide us with information. It is important for us to explore how our habits, our focus, and the people in our lives affect our emotional wellbeing.
Creating joyful moments. Learning to prioritize joy in your life is the simplest act of self-love you can give yourself.
Hi everybody, I’m so happy you’re here. I’m Sajna, a fitness coach specializing in helping women change their lives. Based out of Austin, Texas.
Every major change in my life came from me deciding to change myself. I believe it began with my first BIG lift. Once you become physically strong, your mind will ask you, “I wonder what else I can do?”